Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to the ole Paleo Routine...

So thankful to unexpectedly have the next two days off! After a quick two hour "power nap" this afternoon, I decided to listen to my tired body and skip my Crossfit WOD. This was justified only by the fact that I can hit it even harder on my days off!

I find myself pretty stressed lately. With a big move back to the mainland and Hasselhoff's seven month deployment coming up, the "To Do" list seems endless! In between house guests from the mainland, we have to buy plane tickets, sell a car, pack our house for storage when we return to Hawaii, ship our dogs, complete heaps of paperwork, and still work on top of that all. I think one of the trickiest things is going to be figuring out how to pack my suitcase for seven months. Clothes for Washington, Montana, and hopefully Europe! It's definitely going to be tough!

With that being said, I cooked a nice hearty, healthy Paleolithic Dinner tonight. For those of you who do not know, I recently completed a 30 day challenge following the "Paleolithic Diet." No dairy, No legumes, no grains, no soy, no rice for 30 days. My meals consisted of meat, fruits, veggies, lots of coconut products and nuts. I lost 10 pounds, but have recently fallen back into some bad habits. That's about to change! Tonights dinner consisted of baked chicken marinated in honey, applecider vinegar, and ginger; Okinawan sweet mashed potatoes; and a field green salad topped with blueberries, purple onion, mushrooms, and honey mustard dressing.
Here are a few examples of "Paleo" meals that I made while on the challenge. Don't they look yummy!!!??

Field Greens, Turkey and Dried Fruit Salad
Roasted Chicken
Oriental Asian Salad
Chicken Mushroom Stew
Banana Bread
Portobello Burger
Apple-Cinnamon Pork Chop with Asparagust
Spanish Fritata
Grilled Salmon, roasted Sweet Potatos/ Veggies, Salad
Fried Egg, Bacon and Avacado
Butternut Squash Lasagna

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